I don't send out much
Walker, a former FBI Behavioral Analyst Unit specialist, shapes the minds of the American people for Donald Trump.
“People just need to hear what they want to hear, what they believe to be true.” It was Walker’s job to do just that, create beliefs for the people.
It was all working fine until Mr. Trump went rogue.
When the Trump train wheels started flying off the rails, Walker jumps off just in time. He uses the same social engineering tactics to enable his own presidential campaign. He announces three-pillars for his new America vision. Free college and university education, strict gun control, and a new criminal justice and jail system.
“It’s just common sense folks, if a criminal confesses to a crime and it is recorded on video, you are guilty… period!
Lengthy and costly trials will become the past.”
“It is time for the rebirth of eugenics in America! Non-law abiding citizens are burdens of society. It’s time for the street sweepers to take the trash away.”
This may even apply to the First Lady, Tonya Walker…